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What is SEO


SEO is a one of most important part of digital marketing. There is many other part of digital marketing but today we are going to talk about SEO only. Later in next posts we will talk about other aspects of digital marketing.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search engine optimization. It helps to obtain traffic on your site from search engine with ultimate goal of making the website popular.

Search engine optimization has get the traffic from organic search ranking keywords. It’s help to improve your blog or website to top rank on search engines. E.g. your blog or website any post is first page on Google search.

SEO include

Keyword research and Content Development

Before you write any blog you need to check out which keyword is searched most with low competition for that you need to do some keyword research. With keyword research will help you to write better content which ranks your website or blog on first page of search results.

This process of keyword research helps you to improve seo of your web page which in the end helps in getting higher traffic.

Keyword research is a very important for your website or blog ranking. Search keyword from available many tools frees and paid, you are beginner to focus the free tool for research keyword.

You can write your blog post is a content writing. You can develop content, before a working on making strategies, focus on writing and optimize the content for SEO ranking.

Link Building

Links is also called a URL. URL identifies the webpage location. Two types of link embed in content.

Internal Links

Internal links are takes you to other post of your website. Example, you have a two article in your website, first SEO article and other is How to research keyword. So you can add internal links from SEO article to How to research keyword article.

External Links

This links is goes to the other blog or website. External links also known as outbound links.

Outbound links are used because user can search more results about particular topic. In your blog post provide some limited information on any topic but you can connect this topic to link others website so user can gather more information they can require and acquire.

Multimedia Optimization (Images/Video)

You can write any article and add the some related Images or video about your topic so visitor can better connect with your content.

Images are compulsory needed for SEO, you can find or design a unique image or graphics for article is a plus point for SEO ranking.

If you can add at least one image for an article, it will help you in SEO.

Add the image in article so you can provide some information about the image like an Alt Text (you can add alt text, because later article will be ranked on Google, so image can show on Google with particular keyword search, so user can come from the image on your site and better connect with you, this is a plus point to get the custom traffic after article is ranked.), Title, Caption (this text show behind the image) and Description of image.

Also you can share the video link or upload video related the particular topic use can stay on your site. And user can gather more information about your article.

Some research shows that, users easily connect with the image and video and easy to understand the given information.

Competitor Analysis

Some time before there is no more competition on Internet. Because some limited business groups and organizations are on the web, but nowadays there is totally on technology track.

So you cannot easily takeover any competitor without making strategies and quality work. Rank your article on google, you can get, quality assured (not a copywriting) content and user friendly content, so user can interact and easy to understand given information on your article.

Suitable structure of website and Site map accessibility

Structure is a main part of website user can attract and stay to your site. You can make font customization( colours , font style, size, and font family), user friendly Colours, custom animation, white space and Images. Good site design makes an awesome structure, so user can attract with and easily navigate. Site links are better approach to user can easy to understand your site structure.

Sitemap is a big advantage for search engine optimization. In wordpress download any of seo plugin like YOAST and RankMath, install and find the sitemap from installed plugin, you can click a sitemp open the new tab and show the all sitemap of your website. Copy the sitemap URL and upload on your google search console. Search engine can easily crawling and indexing your website through the sitemp is provided by you.

Type of SEO

On-page SEO


Search engine crawl through the sitemap; find every important web pages on your website.

Sitemap is a blueprint of your website helps to crawling and indexing of your website. You can upload your sitemap in google search console.

Different type of sitemaps like a, Image sitemap (find all of the images on your hosted site), Video Sitemap (help to find video content on your page), Normal XML Sitemap ( link to different pages on your website) and news Sitemap(find the content on site that are approved for google news.).

Content optimization

Content optimization is a centre of search engine optimization. You can do all the focus is on content optimization. You can select any Keyword for writing article, before start to write article you can analyze and gather some Advance knowledge and deep research on particular keyword you have already selected.

Create content with quality. After writing article with quality you can optimize the article.

Make a short sentence with meaningful words. Use Proper Grammar. Content should be readable and clear.

You cannot writing a new line for same keywords because user can bored to read the content, visitor no stay on your site, it’s happens the Bounce rate are increase and Impact on your ranking.

After that you can establish authority for given in-depth information article. You can write article on any topic in limited information so you can add or link the outbound and trusted authors for in-depth information gathering remember that user can satisfy with your content not a bored or disappointed with limited information.

Discuss with visitors from comment for any query and content related suggestions. For convenient approach add images in article users more relate with content.

Site Structure

You can write a article, look into the content structure like, Heading, Subheadings, Meta tag, Description, images, listing, Discussion, Social Sharing all are a content how to structured you.

Basic article method like, Topic title, Introduction, Basic Details, History, related image, Description, listing details, your perspective based on research, internal links, outbound links, conclusion, Social sharing all are a fundamental structure of the article.

Header tag and Sub header tags

Content optimization also focuses in header and sub header. Use H1 to H6 tag for better understanding the point of view on user side, user can easily know where to start a new topic and it’s subtopics and many more things.

Site speed

Site speed refers to load time taken by your website or blog while user searches your site or blog. Better the load time more traffic comes to you.

Minimum load time is known for better one. Higher the load time, lesser the traffic to your blog or website.

Meta tags

Meta tag show details on Google behind your article title provided by the author. Some tools can help to generate automatic Meta description like a YOAST SEO.

below image shows where meta tag is

Internal Links

Internal links refers to those links which are redirects user to another page of your website or blog. Now the question is how to use internal link in your website?

Here is the solution you can put your internal link to your latest post.

This link should be your previous article so user can stay long time.

No on-site optimization, off-site optimization useless.

This internal linking should be relevant to your current article, otherwise user just leave it as it is.

Off-page SEO

Social Sharing

Social sharing refers to sharing your website or content page link to your social media accounts, so your connections or followers reach to your site and if they like that content also tell them to share your post.

It will help you to boost your traffic.

Comments and reviews

Right now you might have question how comments and reviews help you?

Well, here is answer. If you should ignore comments or reviews from your users of website they might not come again to your website.

If you consider their comments or reviews they will come to you and also share with their loved ones.

Mobile Optimization

Nowadays people use their phones to visit website.

This because of everyone can’t afford computer or laptops.

Your blog post or website must be mobile optimized, so users have no issue while using in their mobile phone.

Mobile optimization refers to your website load time should be minimum; your content must be easily readable in every device.

Link Building

Social Media marketing

Content Marketing

Technical SEO

Crawling and indexing



Benefits of SEO

Reporting and analysis

More visitors on your site

Make influencer on your social media

Increase Targeted Traffic

Ongoing optimization and testing

More revenue in your pocket

Improve Website Speed

Take over the competition

Long term marketing

Best FREE SEO tools

Google Search console

Google keyword planner


Keyword Explorer

Answer the public

Keyword Shitter

Word Tracker

Keyword tool

Chrome Dev tools (JavaScript auditing-On page SEO)


Page speed insights

Webpage Test



Rank Math

Yoast SEO

Best SEO plugin for WordPress


On my own experience I have friendly suggested YOAST  tool for search engine optimization on WordPress.

Yoast SEO is friendly tool. More than one setting is available also free and paid premium subscription.  

You can install this plug-in after you can write any blog post, so YOAST SEO can live check all things like, check keyword phrases, SEO title, Meta tags, Internal links, outbound links, image alt text enter or not and also check heading and subheading of your post.

Yoast link to other SEO tools like, SEMrush integration and Ryte integration so you can use SEMrush or Ryte paid tools, so very helpful to customize your site for you.

Best and Compatible plugin for your WordPress website.

Rank Math SEO

This is another five star plugin for search engine optimization in WordPress.

Also customize the plugin, Simple UI, Google Analytic Integration, Rank tracker etc.

It is Compatible and best plugin for WordPress.

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