Recently Cyber attack Information

Hello, are you looking information about DOS Attack, don’t worry we are here to share some information related to the DOS attacks.

What is DoS Attack?

DOS Stands for Denial of service Attack.

A denial-of-service attack is an type of cyber attack, in this attack the malicious actor target to the device interrupting the normal functioning.

DoS attacks typically function by flooding a targeted machine with requests until normal traffic is unable to be processed, means in this attack normal user can not access the system when server under DoS attack.

The DoS Attack is performed by single system targets the victims system.

What is DDoS attack?

DDoS stand for Distributed Denial of service attack.

The DoS Attack is performed by multiple system to launch the attack to the vistim system, such as a botnet DDoS attack.

What is the difference between denial-of-service attack and Distributed-denial-of-service-attack.
Cyber attack Information

Main difference between them a Distributed means a many of the devices are attack to the one device or particular targeted server. In DoS attack one system target to the one device or server.

Based on speed DDoS Attack is faster than the DoS attack, because many of the connection are targeted to the one server. Dos attack is slower as compared to DDoS.

Volume of traffic in Dos attack is less as compared to DDoS.

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