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How to Keep Your WordPress Website Safe from Cyber Attacks

WordPress is a popular content management system used by millions of websites around the world. As with any widely used software, it can be targeted by hackers who attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in the system to gain unauthorised access or cause damage.

Some common hacks of WordPress include:

Brute force attacks: Hackers use automated software to try to guess the username and password for a WordPress site. This can be prevented by using strong, complex passwords and limiting the number of login attempts allowed.

Cross-site scripting (XSS): This is a type of attack where a hacker injects malicious code into a website’s content, which can then be executed by unsuspecting visitors. This can be prevented by keeping WordPress and all plugins up to date and using a security plugin that can detect and block malicious code.

SQL injection: This is a type of attack where a hacker exploits a vulnerability in a website’s database to gain access to sensitive information. This can be prevented by keeping WordPress and all plugins up to date and using a security plugin that can detect and block SQL injection attacks.

Malware: Hackers can inject malware into a WordPress site, which can then be used to steal data or spread further malware to other visitors. This can be prevented by keeping WordPress and all plugins up to date and using a security plugin that can detect and block malware.


To prevent hacks of WordPress, it is important to keep the software and all plugins up to date, use strong passwords, limit the number of login attempts, and use a reputable security plugin. It is also a good idea to regularly back up your website to ensure that you can quickly restore it in case of a hack or other issue.

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