How to Disable Gutenberg editor in WordPress?

WordPress is a powerfull platform of the today age as per my review.

WordPress 6.0 was released, and it is the second major release of 2022.

This new release contains significant updates to the full site editing experience, bringing in a new way to build websites

New Gutenberg  editor have many of the blocks introduce in last wordpress update like,

Comment Query Loop

Read More Block

No Results in Query Loop

Post Author Biography etc.

Many of the features are unweal for more information click on the this url
What’s New in WordPress 6.0 (Features and Screenshots)

So here, we have shared two methods to revert back the classic editor layout. Follow me I will show how to switch the Gutenberg editor to classic editor.

First Method:

From your wordpress dashboard Click to the Add new plugin. this plugin windows appear search bar on right side. Paste this  keyword in search bar Gutenberg.

How to Disable Gutenberg using plugin

once find the plugin then click on Install Now and Activate the plugin like below image.

After installing this plugin go to the widgets and check the layout is classic now like below image.

gutenberg disable and use classic editor

Second Method:

If you are not familiar with code so do not follow this method, may be this method is not prefer for you.

From your wordpress directory Go to the active theme or child theme.

before open functions.php must take backup for safe side.
find functions.php file and paste the below code for switch Gutenberg layout to Classic Editor layout.

//hrtechpro Switch Gutenberg editor to classic layout
add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false', 10);

Once paste the above code in functions file then save and exit.

Go to the page or post and click on edit any post or page, this page are open in classic editor.

Congratulation you have successfully switch the Gutenberg editor to classic editor.

switch gutenberg to classic editor in wordpress

Check the other article for disable classic widget layout or switch widget layout to classic widgets.

If you have any query please comment in below comment section, we have ping back for the same as soon as possible.

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