What is Android?

What is Android? | Versions | Android Framework | Advantages of Android OS


What is Android?

Android is a mobile operating system that is based on a modified version of  Linux.

It was originally developed by Andy Rubin who has been credited as the father of the android platform.

His company Android INC. was acquired by the google in 2005 and took over its development work as well as its development team.

Google wanted android to be open and free, hence the android code was released as the open source, which means that anyone who wants to use android can do so by downloading the full android source code.

Android is designed to support a large variety of hardware platforms, from WVGA phones with hard keyword to QVGA devices with resistive touch screens.

Android is an open source development platform for creating mobile application.

What is Android? Android Framework and tmobile

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The end of 2009 over 20 Android-Compatible handsets had been launched or announced in more than 26 countries on 32 different carrier networks.

Nowadays, android devices come in all shape and sizes. Below are the following types of the devices.

Smart Phones

Smart Watch

Net Books


Smart glasses



Smart TVs

Home Appliances

Open Handset Alliance

The open handset alliance was formed in November 2007, which is a group of more than 50 technology companies that introduced Android, on open source mobile phone operating system.

Open handset alliance aims to devolve open standards for mobile devices, promote innovation in mobile phones and provide a better experience for consumers at a lower cost.

Android Framework

Order to understand how android works, you need to learn about the framework of the android.

The android operating framework system have a five layer are

5. Linux Kernel

Provides  core services including hardware drivers, process and memory management, security, network and power management. Linux kernel provide an abstraction layer between the hardware and the remainder of the stack.

4. Libraries

 Libraries  run on the top of the kernel. Android include C/C++ core libraries such as libc and SSL(secure socket layer) and Webkit, media library(playback for audio and video), surface manager(provide display management), SQLite (native d atabase support).

3. Android Runtime

Android  run time include the core libraries and the dalvik virtual machine. Android run time is the engine that powers your application and along with the libraries.

2. Application Framework

Provide the classes used to create android application and generic abstraction for hardware access and manages the user interface and application resource.

1. Application

All application, native and third-party are built on the application layer by means of the sane API libraries.

What is API Level?

API Level is an integer value that uniquely identifies the framework API revision offered by a version of the Android platform.

List of Android Versions

The code names of android ranges from A to P, such as Aestro, Blender, Cupcake, Donut,
Éclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo and Pie.

After Google breaks tradition of naming Mobile OS versions named after sweets starting with cupcake and ending with Android Pie. Google decide a upcoming mobile OS by simply naming it Android 10 likewise.

Android Versions Name, API and Features

Android 1.0

What is Android?  android 1.0

Android 1.0 is the very first version of Android was introduced by google, with an application programming interface 1 or API 1.

It was released on September 23, 2008, and officially not declare any name for this version but according to some reports, it was known as Android Alpha.

Android 1.1

What is Android?  android 1.1

Again not code name for officially but as per reports Knows as Android Beta, released on February 9,2009, with API level 2.


Support third party Keyboard

Video recording

Saving MMS attachment

Video Playback

Copy paste feature for the web browser

Android 1.5 cupcake

cupcake 1.5 hrtechpro

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Android 1.5 was released on April 27, 2009, With API level 3. This is a first android version are officially get a dessert Nickname.


On-screen soft keyboard

Ability to opload video to Youtube

Faster and polished UI for all applications

Android 1.6 Donut

donut hrtechpro

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Android 1.6 Donut was released on September 15, 2009, With API level 4. After few month of cupcake launch this version.


CDMA Technololgy

Support on various Screen size

Battery usage Indicator

Android 2.0 Eclair

eclair hrtechpro

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Eclair came with API level of 5 to 7 and it was released on October 26,2009.


Improved UI with a google search  bar

Support HTML 5

Multitouch (up to 3 fingers)

Enhanced camera (digital zoom, color effect)

Android 2.2 Froyo

froyo hrtechpro

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Android 2.2 Froyo was released on May 20, 2010, With API level 8.

This version was make public during Google I/O 2010 conference and it offered several expansion when compared to Android 2.0 Eclairs.


FM Radio

OpenGL improvments

JIT Compiler

Android 2.3 Gingerbread

gingerbread hrtechpro

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Android 2.3 Gingerbread was released on December 06, 2010, With API level 9 to 10. Samsung was released first device Nexus S with this OS.


NFC Support

VoIP call

Beeter application management

Redesigned on-screen keyboard

Android 3.0 Honeycomb

honeycomb hrtechpro

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Android 3.0 Honeycomb was released on February 22, 2011, With API level 11 to 13.  This android version wad designed for large screen devices like tablets.


Imptroved Browser

More Sensor Support

Improved Task Switcher

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

icecreamsandwich hrtechpro

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Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich was released on October 18, 2011, With API level 14 to 15. This android version design a merge experience for both smartphone and tablets.

First Android version to support face unlock on various picked devices.


Voice typing enhancement

Improved copy and paste

New calender feature

Disabling app

Android 4.1 Jellybean

jellybean hrtechpro

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Android 4.1 Jellybean was released on July 9, 2012, With API level 16 to 18. Android jellybean performance improvement compare to the ice cream sandwich and smooth user experience.


Voice search

Expandable Notification

Android 4.4 KitKat

kitkat hrtechpro

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Android 4.4 KitKat was released on October 31, 2013, With API level 19 to 20.


Consistent look and feel

New System font

Screen shots

Android 5.0 Lollipop

lolipop hrtechpro

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Android 5.0 Lollipop  was released on November 12, 2014, With API level 20 to 22. Android offered a redesigned UI  and it also  replaced Dalvik with Android Runtime(ART) to improve battery optimization and application performance.


Material Design

Notification and  Interruption

Priority mode

Predict Battery life

OK Google

Quick Setting

Ambient Display

Screen Pinning

Apps Return after reboot

Add Multiple Guest and users

Improved Keyboard

Android 6.0 Marshmallow

marshmalloe hrtechpro

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Android 6.0 Marshmallow was released on October 05, 2015, With API level 23. Improved user privacy offered a new permission architecture.


Natively support USB Type-C

Physical fingerprint sensor

Inactive app will be put to sleep

Native Fingerprint support

USB Type-C and USB 3.1 support

Android 7.0 Nougat

nougat hrtechpro

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Android 7.0 Nougat was released on August 22, 2016, With API level 24 to 25. Nougat support for Vulkan API for better graphics rendering.


New app notification format

Split screen mode

Data saver

Android 8.0 Oreo

oreo hrtechpro

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Android 8.0 Oreo was released on August 21, 2017, With API level 26 to 27. Support Bluetooth version 5.0.



Password Autofill

Notification channel

New emoji styling

Android 9.0 Pie

What is Android?  android pie

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Android 9.0 Pie was released on August 06, 2018, With API level 28.

Today, More than one smartphone based on this os. Pie give refreshed material design with new style navigation button.


New gesture navigation

Adaptive battery and brightness

App actions

New Accessibility menu

New screenshot shotcut

Easier text selection

Android 10

What is Android?  android ten 10

Image Credit: Source

Android 10 Knows as Android Q was released on September 03, 2019, With API level 29.

Google breaks tradition of naming Mobile OS versions named after sweets starting with cupcake and ending with Android Pie. Google decide a upcoming mobile OS by simply naming it Android 10.


Full screen user interface

Redesigned navigation system

Smart reply in all  messaging apps

New parental controls

Fit for foldable

Android 11

What is Android?  android 11

Image Credit: Source

Android 11 was released on September 08, 2020, With API level 30.


Conversation Notification

Built in screen recorder

Notification History

Chat bubbles

Media Controls

Smart device controls

Dark theme scheduling

Android 12

Android 12 was released on October 04, 2021, With API levels (31, 32).


Dynamic colour

Conversation widgets

Accessibility improvements

Privacy dashboard

Scrolling screenshots

Security and privacy improvements

Advantages of Android

Main advantage of adopting android is that it offers a unified approach to application development.

Developers need only develop for android, and their application should be able to run on numerous different devices, as long as the devices are powered using Android.

Free and open source

Android is an open source platform. Developers can not pay for license to develop.

No costly Obstacles to publication

In android, developers can write and publish any kind of application they want.

A free market for applications

Google developed the android market, a generic android application store, where developer can come with their own delivery and payment mechanism.

Familiar and inexpensive development tools

The android SDK and tools are freely available. Download android SDK from android website after agreeing to the term of the android SDK license agreement.

Enabling development of powerful applications

On the android platform, all android applications use the same libraries, there is no distinction between Native and third-party application.

Quick Customization

Developers have an easy way to fix, improve and update their apps thanks to the facilities that Android tools provide them.

They also have the chance to adapt their apps thanks to the advice of users and reviews in Google Play Store.

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